HVAC Connect is a Women in HVAC Supporting Service Organization
Today's AC article on our Event:
The WHVACR workshop and Net-working Event took place during the HARDI Annual Meeting on Saturday December 3rd from 2:00-5:30PM at the The Broadmoor in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Marjorie McAllister, WHVACR 2016 President, welcomed everyone to the event and gave an organizational update including who they are, their 2016 accomplishments, and where they are going in 2017. In coming 2017 president Julie Decker and 2017 Secretary Kristin Jordan than gave a mentorship program update and 2017 focus. Next on the agenda was the Passing of the Gavel. Marjorie McAllister, current WHVACR President presented the Crystal Gavel to Ruth Ann Davis-McElwee. Several leaders from WHVACR recognized Ruth Ann for her contribution to the organization. After the passing of the gavel ceremony Ruth Ann Davis-McElwee conducted an Ice Breaker activity. The first guest speaker was Colleen Leppert of Bluehawk, who spoke about the benefits of buying groups. During her presentation, wine and cheese was available for everyone to enjoy. The Featured Speakers were Renee J Joseph, King Thomas, and Merry Beth from Johnson Controls. They spoke about "The Power of You" understanding how important you are to the HVACR industry. WHVACR members gained insight on their personal style and also to understand why creating goals is so important to their success. The final speaker for the conference was Shawna Gazaway, who gave a Halo update. Women in HVACR exists to improve the lives of their members by providing professional avenues to connect with other women growing their careers in the HVACR industry. They empower women to succeed through networking opportunities, mentoring and education.

WHVACR to meet at Hardi Saturday December 3rd 2:00-5:30PM at the The Broadmoor in Colorado Springs Colorado

The meeting is being held during the HARDI annual conference in Crystal Room Main Building

Three and a half hours Women In HVACR Meeting & Workshop with Wine & Cheese Social

WHVACR Meeting at HARDI 2016 Schedule

2:00 PM Welcome and WHVACR Organizational Update

2:30-3:15 PM Ice Breaker Activity

3:15-3:45 PM Benefits of Buying Groups Colleen Leppert

3:45 PM Featured Speakers Johnson Controls

The Power of You
Understand how important you are to the HVACR industry, gain insights into your personal style and understand why creating goals is so important to your success

4:45-5:00 PM HALO Update Shawna Gazaway

5:00 PM Socializing

5:30 PM END

Colleen Leppert

Blue Hawk
Vice President

Renee J Joseph

Johnson Controls
Vice President

King Thomas

Johnson Controls
Regional Account Manager

Merry Beth

Johnson Controls
Head of HR

Shawna Gazaway

Berry Plastics
Account Manager